Caia Desmarais

Name: Caia Desmarais

Nicknames: Cai, Dragonfly (Known only to a select few)

Height: 5'5

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Home world: Asmiara

Sexual Preference: Straight

Occupation/Status: Room Slave

Owned By: Iejiel Demir

Accent: Sounds like Welsh

There are many races on her home world, the oldest of which are witches. It was rumored the the first humans were witches who held no magically powers. Whether or not this was true lies in the recesses of the past. The only thing that is true is that humans exist. Humans have either chosen to serve the supernatural creatures creating a sort of gave and take relationship or set out on their own. This was true of the humans her own people came from. A long time ago the humans set up their own kingdom choosing to live apart. They set out to keep anything supernatural from their kingdom, seeing up patrols to keep supernatural beings out. Some said, it wasn't enough, they should instead set out to destroy all magical beings. In time, this caused a riff that ended with those who held the most extreme views leaving and starting their own kingdom.

These were the first of her people. Like, the first people of the kingdom of Adrealia, they came to realize that certain of their people had powers. Some thought it might be remains of witch blood, others thought it was proof of their evolution, and others as a curse. It didn't matter how they viewed what mattered what they choose to do about it. Both decided to pout it to use, however, unlike the other kingdom hers choose to make them into nothing but soldiers.

They set out to train them to be the best they could be. Beginning to play around with the powers they experimented and found out many things. They found ways to coax the powers in those that had none. They found ways to increase the powers of those that did. Doing horrible experiments they set up labs in worlds where science was more advanced then their own home world. These super soldiers had no rights and were cast aside when they were no longer of use. However, some were just better at the experiments. Some could hold the vir better than others. In time, the new race began to think of themselves as superior.

They came to believe they were better than every other race. That they were set aside and this made them the ones that must someday rule over all others. This lead the leaders to decide they needed to do something. It was to late however the elites took over and made the normal humans, or mundanes serve them. Since, they have no powers they are lesser and should serve the will of the powered.

This was the world she grew up in. Her mother was a room slave to a high up elite. Like, most children she was taken from her mother and sent to live somewhere else. Her people put no value on family. However, she was useless to train.The experiments seemed to not work on her, she had no head for science and all her gifts were useless talents. So, she was sent to live among the other mundanes. Those who had no powers or useful talents. They were set up to do average tasks for the kingdom as a whole.

The normal laborers, growing food, preparing it, cleaning things and other such tasks. Her own father disowned any claim to her because she was an utter disappointment. Her mother had little to do with her. This wasn't unheard of in a society where you are ripped from your parents at a young age and trained. But, it hurt her. Her mother said she was far to rebellious for her own good and she needed to learn her place.

She formed a new family among the other mundanes at the complex that was their home. She watched as elites came and took what they wanted. She watched those she had come to care about be treated as nothing but toys for the elite. And slowly she began to speak out saying it wasn't right. It was here she found her voice. Among a small group of friends, who started spread her teachings. She set out to change the way people around her thought and believed. Trying to get others like her to stand up for themselves and demand basic rights.

The right to say how and what you did with your own body for one. The right to deny an elite something if you so wished. The right to live by your own choices. Her words spread like wild fire. The dragonfly was born. The name that was given to her by those that knew her best. The dragonfly which symbolizes change. They can change direction in midair and fly backwards. They are creatures of the wind. And thus they can move with a moment, chance course if need be, and sweep the winds of change with them. Or so it was said among her followers.

She wanted to incite change by words and deeds. She hoped to appeal to the elites, however, there were those that believed drastic means was the only way to go. She was sweep away by the fires of revolution as she became a rallying cry for rebellion. However, her closest friends decided to keep her safe in case it failed they would use a puppet dragonfly in her place. The man who had been spreading her teachers for a long time became the dragonfly. Most people believed he was anyway. So, she just allowed the world to believe it.

She had no need to be known even if they succeeded. She was content to stay in the shadows. However, the revolt was crushed by the elites and the leader brought down in chains. She felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for those that died. She vowed the dragonfly would die with them. However, it is hard for her to not speak out against the injustice she sees every day. So, she tried her best to avoid elites. That was until she met him.

A chance encounter with the elite Iejiel led her to be mouthy to him. She didn't want to speak to him and he wanted her to . So, she reacted badly to his words. After proving to the world he could make her do what he wanted, her ordered her to be a room slave. The same title her mother held for her father. A fact that rather upsets her. She wants to leave this world and see other cultures. Or to change the world around her, although, she doesn't want others to be hurt in the process. She wants to find a place where the gifts she has are respected not considered useless. Instead, she is stuck serving some pompous elite who seems to think he will teach her to obey him. He has another thing coming if he believes that.


Caia is passionate about her feelings, while reserved for fear of her secret getting out. She tends to try and blend into the back ground. Sharing her thoughts only when she is really worked up or with those she knows very well.  She is is an artist, a dancer, and a singer, not considered talents of value among her people. She is also good at reading people even though she often ignores her own instincts. She is rebellious and wants to change the world.

What is a room slave?

A room slave or what some might call a personal slave is a slave the resides within their master's room. They are at the beck and call of whomever their master is. It is their duty to serve that person without question. They exist for the pleasure of their master whatever that might be. For some it is someone to run their affairs, for others it is sexual, for others it is a companion some one to talk to and share secrets, for some it is all of the above, it depends on the master/mistress. A room slave runs errands for their owner. They tend to not go out without permission and are not allowed to engage in any sort of relationship without permission.

Caia Desmarais Pictures

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